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Jewish - Ghetto - Very shocking photo of Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland (maybe Warsaw or Lodz) selling food to get some incomes and wearing star of David armbands

Jewish - Ghetto - Very touching private taken photo of a Jewish child in ghetto, looking at the camera with sad face. This photo was published in the book by Norbert Podlesny "A glimpse of Evil - Part I of a Trilogy"

Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Really impressive private taken photo of the Litzmannstadt ghetto showing one of the gates and some Jews wearing the stars of David! This photo was published in the book by Norbert Podlesny "A glimpse of Evil - Part I of a Trilogy"

Litzmannstadt - Rare postcard sent by a Jewish woman from Berlin to the Elder of the Jews of the Ghetto in Lodz, the famous Chaim Rumkowski, head of the Judenrat! 1941

Holocaust - Rare letter sent by Gestapo in Litzmannstadt to the Jewish Council of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto regarding the transfer of a Jewish woman in the Central prison of the that Ghetto - 1944

KL Buchenwald - Set of ID card issued just after the war to a former concentration camp inmate from Czech Republic and an SS 2 RM. Kantine money for the prisoner and SS guards of KL Buchenwald

Anti-Semitic party "Völkischer Block" elections' propaganda leaflet inviting the working class to vote against the Jewish businessmen that slave the workers, printed in the 20s, after Nazi party was banned after the "Putsch".

Very rare elections propaganda leaflet with anti-Semitic and Nazi supporting message aimed to German women - Volkischer Block party 1924 founded by Anton Drexler!


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